Zeroing in On Becoming a Licensed Cannabis Grower

Colorado Growing Classes

Let’s discuss the various ways you can take your marijuana business a step further now that you have a license and are following all of the requirements. For instance, a laundry list of questions might arise at the onset of taking your final product to market. There’s also the potential for licensing laws to change in Colorado, depending on who’s running the state government. 

 So, what type of questions need to be answered to zero in on becoming a licensed cannabis grower in Colorado. First off, mastering the art of marijuana growing takes research, patience, diligence, and a green thumb. Not everyone who attempts to become certified in the cannabis industry business is successful; however, if you plan to make the move to market your pot goods, the following questions need to be answered.

FAQs for the Aspiring Marijuana Grower

 Everyone who grows marijuana wants to make a healthy profit. After all, the reasons for getting into the business–whether for personal or mass production usage–becoming a licensed cannabis grower has to pass some formal tests and questions.

 1. What are the benefits of becoming a master cannabis grower?

 If your final marijuana product is of top quality, you can be sure of lucrative profits and have a steady source of income. In Colorado specifically, you have access to supplies and labor at lower costs, leading to a more successful bottom line. Also, because of the Colorado legalization standards, there are several growing operations who open up their business to tourists interested in seeing what it’s all about, an intelligent action that enhances your brand and increases your business.

 2. Is it possible to become a teacher or instructor in the pot-growing business?

 Nothing is off the table when it comes to becoming a certified master grower. Profiting off of your legal marijuana business includes building up your messaging and brand, which in turn means you have to show others how it’s done. They’ll be able to refer business to you, as well as reap the benefits of cultivation and harvest that only you were able to teach them. 

 3. Are there other ways to capitalize on my marijuana business operation?

 Absolutely! If you’re an innovator and want to earn more income from your cannabis operation, diversify. In other words, if your sole purpose and sector is medical marijuana, why not try to include other aspects of your business–such as getting involved in the hemp industry. It’s a large and profitable market, and you might find that you enjoy the unique qualities that making hemp products provides.

 4. What are the best places to go for education on becoming a legal marijuana grower?

 Schools are popping up all over the place. Since their focus is devoted towards this specific issue, it’s becoming even more mainstream to enroll in a decent school that caters to the step-by-step process of becoming a licensed cannabis grower. Check online for industry leaders with a solid reputation and have enough reviews to give you more incentive. There are numerous courses within the cannabis schools to highlight everything from how to begin, strategies for success, and ideas to further your operational profits.

 5. What is the typical earnings for a master grower in Colorado?

 Licensed and certified master cannabis growers in Colorado can expect to make an average of around $80,000 to top-tiered earners banking on six figures. If you’re serious enough about becoming a master grower in Colorado, the wages are exceptional. Just make sure you go through the steps to become legally certified, you have the skills, ability, and growing space to do so, and you’re 100% devoted to your newfound craft.


In Conclusion

 The options are endless to becoming a successful master marijuana grower in Colorado. Although you cannot consume cannabis openly or publicly in the state, you can open up a business and dispense marijuana according to Colorado’s legal rules and laws. Still, it might be wiser to enjoy your harvest in the comfort of your own home. For the medical marijuana population, you have to get your master grower certification, and your user has to have a physician’s okay before purchase.

 For the hemp industry or retail pot growers, it’s illegal to sell to anyone under 21 years of age, and you need to meet specific criteria after obtaining your license, as well as staying up-to-date on industry regulations. If all of these factors are met, your marijuana grow business is destined to be a whopping and profitable enterprise!

The Road to Mastering the Marijuana Business

I lived in Colorado from 1998 until 2008, a full 10 years of mountain-dwelling amongst the Rocky Mountain ‘high’ experience. Back in those days, marijuana wasn’t legal, and everyone was using it. It became somewhat of a thing on April 20–commonly referred to as 420–where the vast majority of the Boulder and Denver population convened on the University of Colorado stadium grounds and lit up one joint after another. 

 I never partook in those festivities, mainly because I was running my own wellness and nutrition consulting business and dealing with clients suffering from joint pain, muscle fatigue, aversions to specific diets, and even those who were recovering from a bout with cancer. If I had known then what I know now, I would have absolutely recommended these once-physically fit people to invest in medical marijuana to alleviate their discomfort. Since Colorado has allowed pot usage since 2012, stricter laws are in place for those wishing to obtain their own licensed medical marijuana business.

Master Grower Certification

How Can You Become a Legal Marijuana Grower

 Getting a Colorado marijuana business license boils down to an understanding of the laws of the cannabis industry and whether or not you meet the requirements. There are three factors you must meet to become a licensed pot grower. First, you’re required to complete a Marijuana License Business Application through the Colorado State Licensing Authority. 

 Depending on the type of business you plan to run–either medical marijuana, retail, or industrial hemp products–it’s imperative that everyone involved pass a criminal background check. Having a clean history isn’t the only requirement needed. Any employee of a marijuana business must not be affiliated by any state or local authority position, for instance, being a police officer. 

 You must also be 21 years of age, free and clear from any convictions involving controlled substances within 10 years, a Colorado resident for at least two years. If ever serving time for substance abuse, you must have five years of a full release from any other felony convictions. Before beginning the application process to become a licensed grower, please make sure you have all of these mandatory requirements sorted out; otherwise, the Colorado Licensing Authority will ding you as they perform background checks on everyone.

 So, step by step, here are the facts to becoming a certified legal marijuana grower in Colorado:

  1.  Complete all relevant applications
  2. Pay required fees that accompany these applications.
  3. Make an appointment with the Marijuana Enforcement Division in Colorado.
  4. Once an appointment has been set, bring along copies of all documentation, every business owner (part-time individuals included), and your personal identification for all applicants listed.
  5. After approval, business owners will be fingerprinted and then have to pay the Colorado application licensing fee, along with the Local Authority Application fee. 

 Whether you’re choosing to go by way of the retail marijuana business, or growing medical marijuana, or registering for an industrial hemp license, the key is to do your homework. Each section of attaining a grower certification for business or personal usage lies at the feet of specific divisions within Colorado law. Zoning, cultivation and harvest, and the entire growing process of the cannabis industry have rules and regulations. 

 In fact, depending on the type of growing certificate you’re applying for, there are legal hoops to jump through that can make your marijuana business much more enjoyable. Before you get started and plan to grow cannabis, ensure you know these rules to avoid any complications down the road.

Cannabis leaf with money

Wrapping Up

 Even though marijuana is legal in Colorado, rules do still apply. If you take action and do your due diligence with respect to planning and following all of the application guidelines, then your road to becoming a Master Marijuana grower in Colorado just became easier. Having a specific skillset and knowledgeable background of growing marijuana while also being privy to the ever-changing rules around the cannabis industry, you might be able to take your product to market and have a very profitable business.

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